Wednesday, December 12, 2018

A Response to a Classmate

Climate change is undeniable with facts like more hurricanes in the last years, the increase of the sea level, and many others. Some countries have decided to reduce greenhouse gases, pollution, while others like Syria are standing out of that. I understood this while reading the blog post of my classmate, Phuong Nguyen, where she argued about climate change. The United States retraction from the Paris climate agreement is actually a big surprise since it is one of the biggest industrial countries in the world. Donald Trump does not believe in global warming, but he believes into cutting the funds that fight against the issue and investing them in job creations. A question I have had since reading my classmate's blog is: "Is it necessary to invest in job creations if the future of the planet is not certain?" The temperature increase in the last four years has been the most drastic one in 22 years according to the World Meteorology Organization. In the past years, we have seen many natural disasters like hurricane Katrina, floods, snow storms,  droughts, and so on. The United States ought to invest in slowing global warming since many hurricanes, snow storms, floods, have been destroying cities, families, homes, and lives.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Invest More in Educaiton

Since I read and commented about my classmate, Mai Okada's work, I've kept thinking about education matters in the United States lately. Personally, I did go to primary, middle, and high school in my country, and we all have a stereotype of the USA's education. Most of the people think that the educational system here is the best, people do not have to worry about paying tuition fees since it is not very expensive, and more importantly, the US government is doing a very good job with the education. I have been here for less than two years, and I would say that people from my country, Burkina Faso, got almost everything wrong.
On one hand, the educational system is the best I have had all my life, and I admire the government for having such a good system. for instance, in my country, you do not get that much chance to talk with your university teacher after the class. If you are not satisfied with that either, you have to go and find yourself a personal tutor. However, in the USA, you can talk with your professor at the office hours, or even email them if you have any questions, and they would be happy to help.
On the hand, I realized that the tuition fees are not that cheap as people think. It is when I got here that I realized some people drop out of college because they can't afford it anymore. Which made me wonder why the tuition fees are so high since the USA is the richest country in the world. I understood later that there are a great number of things in which this country invests more than the education. For example, lately, the president made increase the US military founds because he wants to send many troops at the barrier between US and Mexico. How is possible to invest more in the military than in the education? What the government should be worried about is the education and not the number of troops at that specific barrier. Many believe that education helps to build great leaders of a nation, but if people can't afford education a nation goes nowhere.
The education in the USA is great because of the system they have in place, and that allows some people to keep up even though it is tough some of the time. However, not everyone can afford education since it becomes expensive in college years.

Friday, November 16, 2018

A Response to a Classmate

I am so surprised to see the differences in numbers between Chinese and Russian's military expenses and the US's one. On the blog U.S. Government Learner's Blog, Mai Okada explicitly argues on some reasons why the United States government should not increase the military expenses. How is it possible to spend so much money in only military defense while many are suffering from the lack of healthcare, some infrastructures are in need of care, and the education system is going at its lowest? First, the United States healthcare system is the most expensive one in the world, yet they fail in meeting the needs of the others. Second, United States already has the most powerful military in the world, so I do not see any need in increasing the military funds as they are doing at the disadvantage of the healthcare system and education. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Families Should Not Be Separated

We all know that people broke many laws by the fact of being here illegally and conceiving their kids. Once they have their children that on the opposite have the nationality, they should not be deported.
First of all, parents should not be deported because of the stability of kids. For instance, kids who have not grown with their parents are difficult to be handled by somebody else once they get separated from their parents. In fact, in many cases, kids live their temporary families and prefer to educate themselves in the streets. In those cases, most end up prostitutes and drug dealers, some in jail dead.
Second, they should not export parents and let the kids alone because it can destroy the relationship child-parent. Since we know that in any relationship communication is the basic skill, families do need to feel connected, and for that to happen, they need to be united. Kids and their parents would not be to share their daily routines, parents would not be able to help their kids in accomplishing their school tasks, and so on. By doing those things, the connection parents-child goes smoothly. However, many kids would have a tendency of shutting their feelings toward their parents. Those kids do not even know how they feel about them, whether anger, love, or confusion.
And last but not least, families separation does not make any good to anyone. I always wonder why the United States always have to separate kids from their parents simply because they are not “legal”. In an article I read and argued about earlier in this blog, the immigrants contribute a great deal in the USA’s economy.

Families deportation has increased a great deal since the election of president Donald J. Trump. For kids safety, for not destroying the love between families, and for the economy of a great nation, we should all take action to help stop families separations in the United States of America.

Families should not be separated

We all know that people broke many laws by the fact of being here illegally and building
 their families. A family is the most powerful tool in life that anyone could have. 
Once the immigrants have their children who contrary have the nationality, they should 
not be deported. First of all, parents should not be deported because of the stability of ids because kids who have not grown with their parents tend to be difficult to be handled by somebody else once they get separated from their biological family by the immigration office. For instance, in many cases, kids live their temporary families and prefer to educate themselves in the streets. In those cases, most of them end up prostitutes and drug dealers, some in jail or dead because they have lost their identity or more preferably their personalities. Second, they should not export parents and let the kids alone because it can destroy the relationship child-parent. Since we know that in any relationship communication is the basic skill, families do need to feel connected, and for that to happen, they need to be united.
Kids would not be able to share their daily routines with their parents, parents would 
not be able to help their kids in accomplishing their school tasks, and so on. By doing those things, the parents can connect easily with their kids and vice versa. However, many kids would have a tendency of shutting their feelings toward their parents. Those kids do not even know how they feel about them, whether anger, love, or confusion. And last but not least, families separation does not make any good to anyone. I always wonder why the United States always have to separate kids from their parents simply because they are not “legal" In article I read and argued about earlier in this blog, the immigrants contribute a great deal in the USA’s economy.
Families deportation has increased a great deal since the election of president Donald J. Trump.
For kids safety, for not destroying the love between families, and for the economy of a great nation,
 we should all take action to help stop families separations in the United States of America.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

On October 18th, the USA Today published an article titled Trump's Jamal Khashoggi Reaction sure Makes Him Seem Bought and Paid by Saudi Arabia, by Kurt Bardelle. Kurt Bardella is a former spokesman for the Breitbart News, congressional Republicans and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He left the GOP last year to become a Democrat. In his article, he questioned the honesty of the United States president Donald Trump whose behaviors towards some countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia are perplexing.
First of all, Bardella's arguments are plausible since they are based on Donald Trump's own words which are very confusing to some people. Berdella invites the American population to be more aware of what their president is doing or saying since what he says, does not match with what he does most of the time. 
In addition to that, Bardella's point on the fact that Trump himself declared during his campaign for the elections of 2015 having a good business relationship with Saudi Arabia makes things enormously suspicious. How is it possible that they have proof of the murder of Khashoggi in the Saudi's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, and Trump declares that he trusts more the dire of the Saudi king Salman ben Abdulaziz? I do believe that the USA's president might have some favors from Saudi Arabia in helping them deny their implications as Bardelle implied. 
Another argument Bardella pointed out was the president's tax returns he promised to return in a debate season in Houston. Actually, he added "absolutely to his promise, but he disrespected his promise. Who truly knows what is going on in Trump's finances? It seems incredibly obvious that the United States' president is hiding things to the grand public, and we do all deserve to know the truth. 
In conclusion, Donald Trump had been acting shady since his election. He not showing his tax returns as promised, and his business relationship with Saudi Arabi makes him "betray" his own country. The grand public deserves the truth about Donald Trump and his shady behaviors.

Embedded Link to The Blog

On October 18th, the USA Today published an article titled Trump's Jamal Khashoggi Reaction sure Makes Him Seem Bought and Paid by Saudi Arabia, by Kurt Bardelle. Kurt Bardella is a former spokesman for the Breitbart News, congressional Republicans and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He left the GOP last year to become a Democrat. In his article, he questioned the honesty of the United States president Donald Trump whose behaviors towards some countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia are perplexing.
First of all, Bardella's arguments are plausible since they are based on Donald Trump's own words which are very confusing to some people. Berdella invites the American population to be more aware of what their president is doing or saying since what he says, does not match with what he does most of the time. 
In addition to that, Bardella's point on the fact that Trump himself declared during his campaign for the elections of 2015 having a good business relationship with Saudi Arabia makes things enormously suspicious. How is it possible that they have proof of the murder of Khashoggi in the Saudi's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, and Trump declares that he trusts more the dire of the Saudi king Salman ben Abdulaziz.? I do believe also that the USA's president might have some favors from Saudi Arabia in helping them deny their implications. 
Another argument Bardella pointed out was the president's tax returns he promised to return in a debate season in Houston. He even swore that, but he never did it. Who truly knows what is going on in Trump's finances? It seems incredibly obvious that the United States' president is hiding things to the grand public, and we do all deserve to know the truth. 
In conclusion, Donald Trump had been acting shady since his election. He not showing his tax returns as promised, and his business relationship with Saudi Arabi makes him "betray" his own country. The grand public needs to the truth  

A Response to a Classmate

Climate change is undeniable with facts like more hurricanes in the last years, the increase of the sea level, and many others. Some countri...