Friday, November 16, 2018

A Response to a Classmate

I am so surprised to see the differences in numbers between Chinese and Russian's military expenses and the US's one. On the blog U.S. Government Learner's Blog, Mai Okada explicitly argues on some reasons why the United States government should not increase the military expenses. How is it possible to spend so much money in only military defense while many are suffering from the lack of healthcare, some infrastructures are in need of care, and the education system is going at its lowest? First, the United States healthcare system is the most expensive one in the world, yet they fail in meeting the needs of the others. Second, United States already has the most powerful military in the world, so I do not see any need in increasing the military funds as they are doing at the disadvantage of the healthcare system and education. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Families Should Not Be Separated

We all know that people broke many laws by the fact of being here illegally and conceiving their kids. Once they have their children that on the opposite have the nationality, they should not be deported.
First of all, parents should not be deported because of the stability of kids. For instance, kids who have not grown with their parents are difficult to be handled by somebody else once they get separated from their parents. In fact, in many cases, kids live their temporary families and prefer to educate themselves in the streets. In those cases, most end up prostitutes and drug dealers, some in jail dead.
Second, they should not export parents and let the kids alone because it can destroy the relationship child-parent. Since we know that in any relationship communication is the basic skill, families do need to feel connected, and for that to happen, they need to be united. Kids and their parents would not be to share their daily routines, parents would not be able to help their kids in accomplishing their school tasks, and so on. By doing those things, the connection parents-child goes smoothly. However, many kids would have a tendency of shutting their feelings toward their parents. Those kids do not even know how they feel about them, whether anger, love, or confusion.
And last but not least, families separation does not make any good to anyone. I always wonder why the United States always have to separate kids from their parents simply because they are not “legal”. In an article I read and argued about earlier in this blog, the immigrants contribute a great deal in the USA’s economy.

Families deportation has increased a great deal since the election of president Donald J. Trump. For kids safety, for not destroying the love between families, and for the economy of a great nation, we should all take action to help stop families separations in the United States of America.

Families should not be separated

We all know that people broke many laws by the fact of being here illegally and building
 their families. A family is the most powerful tool in life that anyone could have. 
Once the immigrants have their children who contrary have the nationality, they should 
not be deported. First of all, parents should not be deported because of the stability of ids because kids who have not grown with their parents tend to be difficult to be handled by somebody else once they get separated from their biological family by the immigration office. For instance, in many cases, kids live their temporary families and prefer to educate themselves in the streets. In those cases, most of them end up prostitutes and drug dealers, some in jail or dead because they have lost their identity or more preferably their personalities. Second, they should not export parents and let the kids alone because it can destroy the relationship child-parent. Since we know that in any relationship communication is the basic skill, families do need to feel connected, and for that to happen, they need to be united.
Kids would not be able to share their daily routines with their parents, parents would 
not be able to help their kids in accomplishing their school tasks, and so on. By doing those things, the parents can connect easily with their kids and vice versa. However, many kids would have a tendency of shutting their feelings toward their parents. Those kids do not even know how they feel about them, whether anger, love, or confusion. And last but not least, families separation does not make any good to anyone. I always wonder why the United States always have to separate kids from their parents simply because they are not “legal" In article I read and argued about earlier in this blog, the immigrants contribute a great deal in the USA’s economy.
Families deportation has increased a great deal since the election of president Donald J. Trump.
For kids safety, for not destroying the love between families, and for the economy of a great nation,
 we should all take action to help stop families separations in the United States of America.

A Response to a Classmate

Climate change is undeniable with facts like more hurricanes in the last years, the increase of the sea level, and many others. Some countri...