Sunday, October 21, 2018

On October 18th, the USA Today published an article titled Trump's Jamal Khashoggi Reaction sure Makes Him Seem Bought and Paid by Saudi Arabia, by Kurt Bardelle. Kurt Bardella is a former spokesman for the Breitbart News, congressional Republicans and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He left the GOP last year to become a Democrat. In his article, he questioned the honesty of the United States president Donald Trump whose behaviors towards some countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia are perplexing.
First of all, Bardella's arguments are plausible since they are based on Donald Trump's own words which are very confusing to some people. Berdella invites the American population to be more aware of what their president is doing or saying since what he says, does not match with what he does most of the time. 
In addition to that, Bardella's point on the fact that Trump himself declared during his campaign for the elections of 2015 having a good business relationship with Saudi Arabia makes things enormously suspicious. How is it possible that they have proof of the murder of Khashoggi in the Saudi's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, and Trump declares that he trusts more the dire of the Saudi king Salman ben Abdulaziz? I do believe that the USA's president might have some favors from Saudi Arabia in helping them deny their implications as Bardelle implied. 
Another argument Bardella pointed out was the president's tax returns he promised to return in a debate season in Houston. Actually, he added "absolutely to his promise, but he disrespected his promise. Who truly knows what is going on in Trump's finances? It seems incredibly obvious that the United States' president is hiding things to the grand public, and we do all deserve to know the truth. 
In conclusion, Donald Trump had been acting shady since his election. He not showing his tax returns as promised, and his business relationship with Saudi Arabi makes him "betray" his own country. The grand public deserves the truth about Donald Trump and his shady behaviors.

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On October 18th, the USA Today published an article titled Trump's Jamal Khashoggi Reaction sure Makes Him Seem Bought and Paid by Saudi Arabia, by Kurt Bardelle. Kurt Bardella is a former spokesman for the Breitbart News, congressional Republicans and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He left the GOP last year to become a Democrat. In his article, he questioned the honesty of the United States president Donald Trump whose behaviors towards some countries like Saudi Arabia and Russia are perplexing.
First of all, Bardella's arguments are plausible since they are based on Donald Trump's own words which are very confusing to some people. Berdella invites the American population to be more aware of what their president is doing or saying since what he says, does not match with what he does most of the time. 
In addition to that, Bardella's point on the fact that Trump himself declared during his campaign for the elections of 2015 having a good business relationship with Saudi Arabia makes things enormously suspicious. How is it possible that they have proof of the murder of Khashoggi in the Saudi's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, and Trump declares that he trusts more the dire of the Saudi king Salman ben Abdulaziz.? I do believe also that the USA's president might have some favors from Saudi Arabia in helping them deny their implications. 
Another argument Bardella pointed out was the president's tax returns he promised to return in a debate season in Houston. He even swore that, but he never did it. Who truly knows what is going on in Trump's finances? It seems incredibly obvious that the United States' president is hiding things to the grand public, and we do all deserve to know the truth. 
In conclusion, Donald Trump had been acting shady since his election. He not showing his tax returns as promised, and his business relationship with Saudi Arabi makes him "betray" his own country. The grand public needs to the truth  

Friday, October 5, 2018

On September 25th, the USA Today published an article titled Lift the Refugee Cap, Mr. Trump. America needs more: Madeleine Albright and Bob Menendez, by Madeleine Albright and Bob Menendez. Madeleine Albright is an American politician and diplomat, and Bob Menendez is an American politician serving as the senior United States senator in New Jersey since 2006. They both shared their opinion on the refugee situation going on in the USA since Trump has been elected president.
   They invite people to take an immense action against the decision taken by the president Trump administration to admit no more than 30,000 refugees in the United States by 2019. People should take in count Albright and Menendez's opinion once they are aware of the facts they used in the article.
  First of all, these numbers are far more of being close to the ones from 1980 that was 230,000 refugees. Due to the September 11th even, The president George Bush went to a limit number of 70,000 refugees admissions. In comparison, the Trump administration's decision on the number limit of admission is very low for a country like the USA.
  In addition, the United is the global model for many countries in the domain of welcoming refugees. Not only the Trump administration is jeopardizing the United States position, but they are also putting in danger their international relationships with other countries. We could admit that it is hard to trust a country that is not up to help others in difficult times.
  Another point Albright and Menendez argued on is the contribution of refugees in the USA's economy. For many years, refugees had been trying to help themselves to survive in this country by working as hard as they could.

A Response to a Classmate

Climate change is undeniable with facts like more hurricanes in the last years, the increase of the sea level, and many others. Some countri...