Friday, October 5, 2018

On September 25th, the USA Today published an article titled Lift the Refugee Cap, Mr. Trump. America needs more: Madeleine Albright and Bob Menendez, by Madeleine Albright and Bob Menendez. Madeleine Albright is an American politician and diplomat, and Bob Menendez is an American politician serving as the senior United States senator in New Jersey since 2006. They both shared their opinion on the refugee situation going on in the USA since Trump has been elected president.
   They invite people to take an immense action against the decision taken by the president Trump administration to admit no more than 30,000 refugees in the United States by 2019. People should take in count Albright and Menendez's opinion once they are aware of the facts they used in the article.
  First of all, these numbers are far more of being close to the ones from 1980 that was 230,000 refugees. Due to the September 11th even, The president George Bush went to a limit number of 70,000 refugees admissions. In comparison, the Trump administration's decision on the number limit of admission is very low for a country like the USA.
  In addition, the United is the global model for many countries in the domain of welcoming refugees. Not only the Trump administration is jeopardizing the United States position, but they are also putting in danger their international relationships with other countries. We could admit that it is hard to trust a country that is not up to help others in difficult times.
  Another point Albright and Menendez argued on is the contribution of refugees in the USA's economy. For many years, refugees had been trying to help themselves to survive in this country by working as hard as they could.

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